Watch this new Batman cartoon. It's damn entertaining.
1984: Inquiry: The Great British Housing Disaster.
1988: An Ocean Apart. Episode One "Hats Off to Mr. Wilson” (concerning the process by which the United States was involved in the First World War).
1992: Pandora's Box examined the dangers of technocratic and political rationality. It received the BAFTA Award for Best Factual Series.
1995: The Living Dead investigated the way that history and memory (both national and individual) have been used by politicians and others.
1996: 25 Million Pounds a study of Nick Leeson and the collapse of Barings Bank. Won the Best Science and Nature Documentary in the 1998 San Francisco International Film Festival.
1997: The Way of All Flesh tells the story of Henrietta Lacks, the "woman who will never die". It received the 1997 Golden Gate Award.
1999: The Mayfair Set looked at how buccaneer capitalists were allowed to shape the climate of the Thatcher years, focusing on the rise of Colonel David Stirling, Jim Slater, James Goldsmith, and Tiny Rowland, all members of The Clermont club in the 1960s. It received the BAFTA Award for Best Factual Series or Strand in 2000.
2002: The Century of the Self (BBC Two) documented how the rise of Freud's individualism led to Edward Bernays' consumerism. It received the Broadcast Award for Best Documentary Series and the Longman-History Today Award for Historical Film of the Year. It was released in the US through art house cinemas and was picked as the fourth best movie of 2005 by Entertainment Weekly.
2004: The Power of Nightmares (BBC Two) suggested a parallel between the rise of Islamism in the Arab world and Neoconservatism in the United States in that both needed to inflate a myth of a dangerous enemy in order to draw people to support them. It received the BAFTA Award for Best Factual Series in 2004.
2007: The Trap - What Happened to our Dream of Freedom (BBC Two - working title Cold Cold Heart), a series regarding the modern concept of freedom.
2009: Curtis provided another mini-documentary for Charlie Brooker and his new current affairs programme Newswipe, this time focussing on the rise of "Oh Dear"-ism
2009: July 2 saw the release of a new mixed media documentary, called It Felt Like A Kiss.
2010: Curtis provided a third mini-documentary on paranoia and moral panics for the fourth episode in the second series of Charlie Brooker's Newswipe.
More to come.
(Source: Wikipedia)
1) Spinning the closure of Guantanomo Bay (affectionately known as 'Gitmo' in Foxland) as a bad thing.
9/11 Families Outraged by Obama Call to Suspend Guantanamo War Crimes Trial
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/01/21/families- 2) Implying that during the few days of transition between governments, Obama's staff has been hopelessly wandering around the Whitehouse like a load of teenagers on work experience, trying to find the forms that they need to fill out and getting lost on the way back from the coffee shop. And it comes with a paternally reassuring, wild west themed headline:outraged-obama-suspend- guantanamo-war-crimes-trials/
Bush Appointees Holding Down the Fort While Obama Nominees Await Confirmation
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/01/ 3) Having a pop at Obama for stumbling the oath:21/bush-appointees-holding- fort-obama-nominees-await- confirmation/
Obama, Chief Justice Roberts Stumble in Recitation of Presidential Oath
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/01/20/chief- Before recognising that it was actually Chief Justice Roberts fault (yeah- the other dude said the wrong thing, and it messed Obama up 'cos he was all like "whoa - that's not the thing" but he'd already said the thing, so, he, like, stopped saying the thing.) in a rather catty tone, and slipping in the marvellous line: "Obama then repeated the oath in the incorrect order. His presidency is unaffected, however."justice-roberts-officiates- inauguration/
Biden Takes Shot at Roberts for Flubbing Presidential Oath
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/01/ 21/biden-takes-shot-roberts- flubbing-presidential-oath/
4) Finally, getting their dicks out and swinging them around the room, pissing all over goodness and decency, fornicating with demons and swearing allegiance to the wicked one, the tempter, the dark lord of the pit...
Five Reasons Americans Should Be Concerned About Hamas
3. The Deck Is Stacked Against Israel
Despite an enormous advantage in firepower, intelligence and military training, Israel is the underdog in this conflict — there is enormous pressure on Israel not to attack Hamas.
So, why should you care? Because Hamas and other Islamists throughout the world view Israel as a warm up for the greater foe– the United States.
Despicable. Also an article on the front page "Give Bush Credit for Keeping Us Safe". Lovely.